Local Ads for Online Business

There are businesses online from allover the world that advertise locally here in New York City. Its all about traffic, and since there are MILLIONS of people simply walking around NYC, local advertising is a great way to increase online revenue as well as for local businesses.

Just because your business is on the Internet doesn't mean you should limit yourself to online advertising. Search engines and email marketing aren't the only way to drive customer traffic to your website after all. First of all there is the ever-important business card, which should be kept close at hand at all times, and handed out to everyone you meet. Flyers and newspapers as well as other community media can also help raise awareness of your online business. By adding local advertising methods to your online efforts, you can greatly enhance your chance of success. 

Business Cards

Business cards are the first must-have of every businessperson whether online or offline, big corporation or smallest home-based business. A great many companies offer inexpensive but professional looking business cards in a variety of styles appropriate for any type of occupation. If you have a good quality printer and a little know-how, you can attempt to print out your own business cards. Both methods cost about the same when you consider card stock and printer ink, so it's really a personal preference which you choose. 

If you decide to order your business cards from a professional printing company, you next need to choose whether you will go to a storefront business or order your cards online. Personally, online is probably less expensive and just as good quality but you will have to wait for the cards to be shipped to you. If you're the impatient type a storefront might be quicker but you will still have to wait for them to print up and if there is any sort of backlog, that could take awhile too. 


Flyers can be a help in advertising your business if you carefully consider where to place them. If your product is geared towards a certain age group, college students or senior citizens for example, hang your flyers at locations where individuals in that age range tend to frequent such as universities or senior centers. It is best to get a professional to make the flyers for you since most home printers don't have the capabilities and store bought flyer sheets aren't the greatest. Choose a style that matches the style of your business, professional, elegant, fun and wacky, whatever your business mission stands for. 

Press Releases

A highly effective and inexpensive advertising method is press releases. A press release is a short statement you send out to local newspapers and magazines that speaks of your business's mission and the service or product you offer. Press releases don't cost anything but your time unless you hire someone to write it for you, which can be money well spent if you have little experience with press releases.


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